The name of country and name of Gaprik Europe OÜ representative is listed below:
*Please check LinkedIn profiles of these consultants*
(USA , Russia, EU, Argentina, Chile-Peru, Macedonia)
USA - Mr. Sam Bhalerao
Russia - Ms. Natalia Girfanova
Argentina - Ms. Natasha Trech
Chile, Peru - Mr. Noel Tapia
European Union - Mr. Bernstein
Macedonia - Ms. Kornelija Koneska
(Libya, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Chad, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Zambia, Namibia, Congo (DRC), Angola, Rwanda, Nigeria, Ghana, Senegal)
Libya - Mr. Fawzi EI GERBI
Ethiopia - Mr. Girma Solomon
EAC - Kenya - Mr. James Owiti
Tanzania - Mr. Yusuf Ramadhani
Chad - Mr. Mahamat Issakha
Malawi - Mr. Naim Molvi
SADC - Mozambique - Mr. Julio Rafael
South Africa - Ms. Tanya Wyngaard
Zambia - Dr. Argent Chuula
Namibia - Mr. LIewelyn du Plessis
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) - Mr. Mattieu Mbuya
Angola - Mr. Nguienguie Vasco Luis
Rwanda - Mr. Emmanuel Emeka O
ECOWAS - Nigeria - Mr. Solomon Tarosi
Ghana - Ms. Jennifer N.D. Hiller
Gambia & Senegal - Mr. Saikou Manga
(Japan, South Korea, Turkministan, Uzbekistan, Philippines, Indonesia, India, Bangladesh)
Japan - Mr. Seizo Nikuma
South Korea - Mr. Jung Hoon Shim
Turkmenistan - Mr. Aleksandr Novokshonov
Uzbekistan - Dr. Shakir UIIah Yousafzai
Philippines - Mr. Bryant Gamonnac Casiw
Indonesia - Mr. Heru Cahyono
India - Mr. Mayank Raja
Bangladesh - Mr. Nazrul Islam
(Further there are few more representative* Consultants of Gaprik Europe OÜ in other countries outside Europe and listed above as. * Representative* Consultants are independent professional working with Gaprik Europe OÜ on project and assignment basis based on mutual understanding between them and Gaprik Europe OÜ
** Above list can be updated anytime without notice)